How To Archive Your Site In Search Engines Correctly

--How to archive your site in search engines correctly--

September 21, 2024 by Nadhem | Leave a comment

- Article Content
1- What is SEO?
2-  The best SEO services and website archiving company
3-  Basic steps you must follow to archive your site in search engines
4-  How to archive your site in search engines correctly 2022?
 5-   How do I make my site the first in Google?

- How to archive your site in search engines correctly? Are you looking for the best website archiving company? Rajih Company is one of the best companies that seek to provide the best website optimization services in search engines. The most important thing we care about is that your site tops the first search results in search engines, the most important of which is "Google".
If you have a new website or blog, it may be a somewhat difficult challenge for you, as new sites may be a little delayed in being archived by search engines. In this article, we will be keen to explain how to archive the site quickly and professionally.

- What is SEO?

It is a science that aims to improve the appearance of website pages in various search engines for free. The most famous example of search engines is the Google search engine.

This process always aims to make the site appear on the first page and this is achieved; when you follow the latest algorithm updates and what are the factors that may affect your site's results, and how to treat your site's problems as well "Following these points is necessary" to maintain the stability of your site's result in the first search results.

- The best SEO services and website archiving company

Rajhi Company is one of the best companies that is keen to prepare your site to appear in the first results of search engines because the company is keen to follow the latest updates of Google's algorithms. In the following paragraphs, we will cover how to archive your site in search engines correctly.

- Basic steps you must follow to archive your site in search engines

First, you must first register in Google Search Console.

Then you must create a site map known as "sitemap" and then place it on the webmaster tools. You can simply create a site map through WordPress.

After that, it is preferable to register on Google Analytics, and this step is also important to quickly archive your site, and through Google Analytics you can easily get daily reports on your audience and site performance.

Especially if your site is new, you must publish your site pages on social media sites, as this helps you to enhance your brand name.

Read also: SEO services for business owners

- How to archive your site in search engines correctly 2022?

In simple points, we will explain to you how it was and how the latest correct method is now, according to search engine optimization specialist “Emilia Korczynska”: -

To quickly rank in search engines, the focus was on keywords with a higher search volume, but now the focus is on keywords that have the highest search intent by your visitors.

One of the factors that was important to rank ahead of your competitors in the service you provide is writing a long article to cover all possible points, but now this can be achieved with a small number of words if you cover the intent and purpose of the search well.

It's okay if the search terms are zero now, you don't have to avoid them. If the word has a great intention to search, this may help you rank higher than others. Zero search terms now have a magical power to gain you objective authority quickly.

Having more than one result in search engines for the same keyword, which is known as "cannibalization", was a panic that should be avoided, but having the same search term with different content helps your site to be archived easily and also helps to enhance the credibility of your services with Google.

In the past, the focus was more on building as many external links as possible, but what matters more now is to focus on internal links to your site's content.

The focus is only on linking the site to external links with high domain authority, but now the focus is all on external links that are most relevant to our field.

- How do I make my site number one in Google?

To make your site number one in Google's search engine, you must follow some steps that help improve your site's ranking in search results. These steps include:

1- Writing good content: You must write effective and useful content for visitors, which contains the keywords that people search for in the search engine.

2- Improving titles and descriptions: Page titles and descriptions must contain the keywords you are targeting, and the description must be attractive to users to encourage them to visit your site.

3- External links: You must obtain good external links that point to your site, as they are an important factor in improving your site's ranking in search results.

4- Loading speed: You must ensure that your site loads quickly, as it greatly affects your site's ranking in search results.

5- Optimization for mobile devices: Your site must be compatible with mobile devices and designed to be compatible with small screens.

6- Using social media: You must use social media to attract visitors and increase the number of external links.

7- Searching for keywords: You must search for the keywords that people use to search for content similar to your site, and use them correctly on your site.

These steps should be part of your SEO strategy

You should also keep up with news and changes to Google's algorithm updates, as algorithms are updated periodically and this may affect your site's ranking in search results.

You should pay attention to the user experience and provide good and useful content to users, and focus on providing an enjoyable and satisfying experience for the user on the site.

Finally, you should work hard to improve your site's ranking in search results, and focus on providing good content and a comfortable user experience, and if you do it correctly, your site will appear on the first page of Google search results.

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